Recipe Disclaimer

The recipes found on this website are provided as suggestions only and without charge as part of our service to customers. We cannot guarantee that favorable results will be obtained from their use and, therefore, recommend that you conduct appropriate tests under your own operating conditions prior to adoption. The recipes are intended for use by persons having appropriate technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. We assume no obligation or liability, and makes no warranties, with respect to these recipes.
We are not responsible for any domestic accidents, fires or food poisoning that could result from preparation of the recipes, eating of raw eggs, meat and fish. We are not responsible for any kind of food borne disease.
Check Allergens for known or unknown allergies by food content as it is very individual in nature and recipe provided are in general for all.

User Submitted Recipe Disclaimer
Should you choose to submit a recipe to us, you acknowledge and agree that:
(i) You will include your name, location and email address with any transmission of a recipe or other material;
(ii) Such recipe or material is your original work and has not been copied or reproduced from any published source, tangible or electronic;
(iii) You grant us and our transferee’s the right to edit, modify, adapt, translate, exhibit, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, and otherwise use, at no charge and in any medium, any recipe or other material submitted by you for any commercial or other purpose, and;
(iv) We may attribute origination of the recipe or other material to you on this website.

Ownership of recipes

Recipes posted on this site are credited to the individual that submitted the recipe. We maintain no copyright over these recipes. However, by submitting a recipe to the website (in either method mentioned above), you are giving us the rights to use the recipes in our websites; mailing lists and in other promotional means. If you wish to have your name removed from a recipe, we will gladly oblige. Please note, we reserve the right to only remove a recipe from our archive in the case of corporate trademark or copyright issues.
Use of recipes found on the website/recipe books with the product

You may, for personal use only, copy single recipes from our websites. You may not sell or charge for access for any recipes copied from the websites either singly or in collections. You may not copy sections of this website or entire collections of recipes. This website may be copyrighted. You may copy recipes on to your own computer for personal use. You may share reasonable numbers of recipes in email or on websites as long as credit is given to author and a link (either clickable or text) to the recipe on our site, or a link to our homepage.

Copyright Infringement

Visitors are not allowed to knowingly submit copyrighted material to us. Recipe copyright is a tricky definition. You cannot copyright a list of ingredients – this is considered a scientific formula. You maybe able to copyright the prose that accompanies a recipe as long as it is not considered “typical” in describing the procedures required to complete the recipe.
While we do not necessarily encourage this, if you are unsure of the copyright status of a recipe you’d like to submit it is best if you put the directions into your own words. This way you can easily incorporate any additional modifications you personally made if you tried the recipe. Recipes submitted this way are much more personal and readers value your input from your experience in making this recipe.

Recipe Disclaimer

We are not responsible for the outcome of any recipe you try from this, or any website in our network. While we try to review each recipe carefully, you may not always achieve the results desired due to variations in ingredients, cooking temperatures, typos, errors, omissions, or individual cooking abilities. Please always use your best judgment when cooking with raw ingredients such as eggs, meat, chicken or fish.

Copy Cat Recipes

We do not hold any copyright or trademark, nor claim any ownership, to any copy cat (restaurant or product clone) recipe listed on the website(s). The recipes listed are not the original recipe unless specifically stated and are considered only to be acceptable “clones” to the original for the home cook to attempt to duplicate. Please also note that many nation-wide restaurant chains vary their menus and ingredients by region so the version provided may not be similar to what you may have tried before. Any trademarked names are used only to identify the recipe and give the restaurant or product named in the recipe a little free publicity.

Recipe & Food Pictures

Most pictures on the website/blog of the products are owned by Golden Tandoors except for user posted images. claims no credit for any recipe images posted on this site by users unless otherwise noted. Images on this site/blog are copyright to its respectful owners. It is impossible for us to determine the authenticity of ownership of a food picture posted by the users. In most pictures on the site/blog we mention ‘User Provide/Supplied Image’. We clearly state and request our users not to post images or recipe that do not belong to them and If there is an image appearing on this website/blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

Terms of Service

We make no warranty on the availability of this site or its content. We may, at any time, restrict access to users on an individual or group basis if we deem there to be inappropriate use of this site. Under no circumstances may you attempt to auto-download, or mass-download, content from this site. Using software that attempts to connect to our site and copy large amounts of data is prohibited. We routinely monitor traffic on the site and suspicious or excessive activity will be blocked and reported.