Making Tandoori Naan Bread Gaddi (Bread Pad Cushion) @ Home………

Tandoor Gaddi naan bread pad cushion

Gaddi Bread Pad Cushion for Tandoor Oven

The steps in the underwritten manner shall help you achieve the tandoori oven naan bread gaddi (Bread Pad)  you desire. Its simple and easy doing it yourself. A few minutes is all it requires.

All you need to do is take pure cotton cloth and fold it like you stack a towel. Once folded tie it both ways using cotton strip so that it stays the way. I know it’s not going to be round but will work so do not worry.

Once this is done take larger square heavy tweed or cotton cloth. Put the earlier wrapped cotton tied in the middle. Fold all four corners of the heavy tweed cloth in a manner that they come together to form a knot. Tie them and your gaddi is ready.

Happy Tandoori Naan Bread Cooking – You will be able to use the gaddi now to slap your naans in perfect style on the hot walls of your tandoori oven.

If & when you decide on purchasing the tandoori oven then do give us an opportunity to send one across to you for you to have the most authentic Naan Bread, plus the gaddi’s will be coming in free for you.

Its famously known as the tandoori oven naan bread gaddi but does not limit you to doing just naan breads. Its use is for doing breads in tandoori oven and most kinds of Breads like Tandoori Roti, Tandoori Parantha, Laccha Parantha and more……


What is Tandoori Cooking?